Friday, April 5, 2013

I See the Moon and the Moon Sees Me

I was looking for a picture today and ran across some pictures from my astronomy lab last spring. I don't think I ever posted any. I lost a bunch of my favorite galaxy pictures, but I still have these three. Also, there's a nifty little binder stuffed in a cupboard back home that's got the cool galaxy pictures in it if you think this kind of stuff is super cool and want to see. Astronomy was a pain in the butt for a required lab science, but this stuff made it worth it.

This is a mosaic of the moon that I made. A mosaic, because in order to get a picture like this, you have to take lots of pictures of little sections of the moon and paste them all together. Any CCD (CCD = a telescope camera) picture you've ever seen of the moon is actually a mosaic.

Also, here's a picture I took of Saturn. It looks fake, but I promise, it's not. :)

And this is m95. We only took one color photo cuz they take a long time. You have to take 6 or 7 pictures in blue, green, red, and clear filters and then find the best version of each color filter and stack the pictures. M95 is a barred spiral galaxy located in Leo. It's 38ish million light years away.

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