Monday, April 22, 2013

Brain Drain

I've got this friend from Kenya who came to the US for a few years to work in Camden and attend grad school at the same place I go. She's one of the most intelligent, tender, and driven women I know. I found out she has a blog, and has recently written a series of posts about brain drain - the phenomenon where trained professionals leave developing (there has got to be a better word... developing into what?) countries in favor of more wealthy nations. If you don't know anything about it, you should educate yourself:

Brain Drain pt 1
Brain Drain pt 2
Brain Drain pt 3

And then, when you're done educating yourself, you should read her post about baboons. She must be one of the most patient women in the world, too, because I've asked her to share baboon stories an absurd amount of times, as does everyone else. They're so great:

Baboon Story

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