Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Other Noteworthy Small Moments of Goodness

1. Spending 6 hours on Spanish in the library and actually almost enjoying it.

2. Having a girl that I don't see that often come up to me, point out that I've been in the library for a long time, encourage me, and share the rest of her bag of pomegranate seeds. She's also one of those people that is such a patient friend to people that need especially patient friends, and she offers that friendship in such a genuine way. Her small act of thoughtfulness just caught me off guard and allowed me to ponder on the goodness of her soul for a moment.

3. I got a postcard from my friend who spent the semester in Iceland. And it is all in Icelandic. All I can read is "Good day!" (at least I think that's what it says) at the beginning and "love from Iceland" at the end. I asked some friends, jokingly, if they knew Icelandic, and two guys preceded to sing me a song in Icelandic in really high pitched voices, which made up for the fact that I can't read the postcard.

4. The 5 minutes of guitar time I am going to take right now before reading more Jacques Ellul.

5. Reading Jacques Ellul.

6. The bed I get to sleep in soon.

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