Sunday, November 4, 2012

New Obsession?

Bonsai trees.

Before today, I just thought bonsai was the name of a type of tree species. But no! My friend walked into the library today with a bonsai she had just bought, and it turns out, as we learned, that "bonsai" literally means "tree in a pot" in Japanese. (Maybe you already know this, in which case, just humor my naive excitement.) It's basically the art of taking cuttings of pretty much any kind of tree and pruning and caring for it a certain way that keeps it tiny. It's like how when you're a kid, you wish your kitten or puppy would stay little forever. Except that your little tree CAN stay little forever. And it looks like a real tree. A real MINIATURE TREE.

They bonsai-fy apple trees that grow real tiny apples:

You can grow spruce tree forests:

You can pretend it's fall all the time with a teenie flowering delonix regia:

OR, you can get a California REDWOOD. Can't you just hear it? "What's that on your desk?" "Oh nothing, just a real live miniature redwood."

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