Monday, January 30, 2012

In Loving Memory of Spontaneity

So about 10 minutes ago, I finally had it with feeling overwhelmed by the amount of things I have to do in the looming days ahead, so I decided I would feel better if I mapped out my tomorrow to make sure I had enough time for it all. When I finished, the result was acutely disheartening. I know exactly what I'll be doing from the moment I wake up tomorrow until the moment I go to sleep, with literally no give. I realized my Wednesday was the same way. And I could've done Thursday and Friday, too. I'm finding that if important conversations with friends are going to be longer than 20 minutes or so, I have to schedule them in something like 4 days in advance. Even then, the odds of having more than an hour or two are pretty slim.

God, I love weekends. Even they're filling up fast, though, with all the things I can't fit in during the weeks. It's kind of ridiculous. And even more ridiculous is that I'm not an oddity. This isn't just my life. Why do we do this to ourselves? Who decided productivity and efficiency were such high priorities? And how come it feels like their decision to prioritize in such a way stripped me of my ability to prioritize differently?

On a non-pessimistic note, I got to go inside Eastern's planetarium for the first time during my astronomy lab today. So. Freaking. Cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH ELLEN! I feel exactly the same way...