Monday, August 20, 2012

Good Things

1. This blog post. -- "That tells me that much of what I was taught in “Christian community” as I grew up — how to protect myself from “the World” — was actually a lesson in how to excuse myself from the hard work of love." 

2. Living, green things. I have 4 of them in my dorm room. And while they can't replace living outside, I think they'll help me survive the winter. 

3. Tuesdays. I don't have classes or work on Tuesdays. I probably won't screw around or anything, but I can actually adventure away from campus to do work. Or take a nap. Or not leave my room on really cold days. 

4. Glen Hansard. I would really be okay with it if he decided to come play me to sleep every night. Except I probably would forget to go to sleep because his passion makes my soul come alive.

5. When life prevents you from using the internet. The internet's great, but when life doesn't get in the way, I use it a lot more than I wish I did. I'm receptive to any technology challenges you might have to throw at me right now, because I'm not doing so well at self-imposed and unstructured self control.

6. Blueberry pancakes. With real blueberries.

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