Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Me cayó la ficha

ALSO (sorry, I'm going blogging crazy today):

1. THEY DON'T HAVE DUCT TAPE HERE. You can't even buy it. I'm not sure how Argentinos have survived as a species this long.

2. Whipped cream is ultra scarce here. And ultra expensive. Someone told me $30 a can. So sad. The poor deprived childhoods these people must have had.

3. My host brother graduated from university the other day, and getting to be a part of the traditional Argentine graduation tradition was one of the best things I have ever experienced in my life. Basically how it works is when you're taking your last final, all of your friends and family come and wait outside, and when you are done, the take you into the parking lot and bombard you with eggs and flour and yerba and weird mixtures of vinegar & dairy products and paint and pretty much whatever other old things they can find in their home. And they cut up the clothes you're wearing and sometimes even cut your hair. It's the best. I want this tradition so bad.

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