Thursday, October 25, 2012


I have never failed to write (or draw) random things everywhere. My sister found a notepad that had "Ellen's Ideas: Confedential" scrawled on the back. And on a random middle page, she found this:

Goodness. I'm so glad 6-year-old-me was smart enough to make that confidential. God forbid it had gotten around that I could draw bloated cat heads so well. I never did get around to the games or stories or whatever.


On another note, check this out:

Grassroots sharing and reusing. So great. 


Megan McArthur said...

I can't believe you posted this on the internet. You do know anyone can see this confidential material, right? Maybe you should take it down... you might get into trouble with the government for sharing such secretive information.

Ellen said...

Shhhhhhhh. Just keep it on the DL. I'm hoping it'll slip under their radar. That's probably why I spelled "confedential" wrong. It was really just a ploy in hopes that they'd lose my scent.

T.M. said...

Are you sure? Anything with "fed" in it might raise some concerns with those Federal authorities. I won't alert the authorities, though, that you have leaked this "confedential" material.