Snowy goodbyes in Syracuse,
Monster airplanes,
Two dinners (because I didn’t know my flight would feed me
delicious meals for free),
Patient and talkative Chilean seatmates,
Excellent Latino movies (except for that one where I
couldn’t figure out why the main characters were upset and had to break up),
Free wine, blankets, and those stylish looking eye mask
sleep-aid thingers,
Several 5 minute naps,
A wee bit of confusion and mix up as to which country I
needed to meet my host family in,
Breaking (and fixing!) part of the bathroom stall in
Cordoba’s airport while trying to shove myself, my violin, and my giant
suitcase out of it,
Four security checkpoints,
A quick hop from winter to summer,
An embarrassing moment where I tried telling two people that
they looked really familiar to me, but then they didn’t speak English and everything
I tried to explain in Spanish just made me seem weird and creepy,
Lots of lost games of spider solitaire,
A host family that’s taught me about a billion words already
that I’ve probably mostly forgotten (I feel bad for the amount of patience they’re
going to have to expend on me)
And 33
horas later, Estoy aca!
1 comment:
Yay!!! Glad you made it safely. I'm kinda jealous you are enjoying summer... it was -19 today in Chicago! Have some great adventures, my friend!!!
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