Yesterday was a solid day. En la mañana, I went into the center of Cordoba with the familia. They own a pharmacy there, so while they were working, I walked around the city and explored lots of shops and saw all sorts of people. I found the language school I’ll be attending next week, and I took a test that will place me in the right class. Walking around for hours, I learned that Argentines really like shoes. Just about every other tienda was solely dedicated to shoes. So. Many. Shoes.
I spent my siesta researching exchange rates and how they
work and why the Argentine peso has depreciated in value so quickly. A year
ago, 1 dollar = 5 pesos. As of today, 1 dollar = 8 pesos. And in the black
market, 1 dollar = 13 pesos. Es loco!
I think I have been more up to date on Argentine news in the
past three days than I have been up to date on US news in the past year. Other
people’s news is so much more interesting.
Last night, algunas parientes (some relatives) de la familia
came over to swim and drink mate. There were three nenas (little girls). Las
nenas weren’t sure what to make of me at first – I don’t think they’d ever met
anyone that couldn’t speak Spanish. But I didn’t know what to make of them
either. It was the first time in my life that I couldn’t have a conversation
with a five-year-old because their vocabulary was too wide.
Anyway, tuvimos una tormenta anoche (we had a big storm last night), and everything cooled down significantly. Hopefully the warmth that left here will find its way to all of you.
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