1. There's this student of the month board in one of the buildings on campus that, according to the frequency with which it is usually updated, is more like a student of the semester board. Surprisingly, they updated the sociology student of the month for February, so I was reading my friend's bio, and laughed really hard at this wonderful tidbit. Because it's entirely true:

(I'm beyond the point of being able to tell if this is only funny to sociology students or not. So apologies if it's not as amusing to you.)
2. This quote from my theology class:
' Israel worshipped a God who could grow angry, who changed his mind, a God involved in history, who cared so much about one group of people that their apostasies drove him to fits of impatience. The greatest philosophers of Greece spoke of an unchanging divine principle, far removed from our world, without emotion, unaffected by anything beyond itself. Improbably enough, Christian theology came to identify these two as the same God. This may be the single most remarkable thing to have happened in Western intellectual history.' -William Placher (A History of Christian Theology, 55)3. Senior seminar today involved cupcake mosaic making (to the sweet vocal sounds of Garrison Keillor) in celebration of our professor's birthday. We made the state of Indiana:
(I swear, this is not a reflection of everything my tuition bill has paid for.)
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