Thursday, January 17, 2013

Defending Your Faith and Stuff

Tidbits I liked from a theology book. Maybe you'll like something, too:

"My communications... sound as if they came from a besieged defender of the faith. I know well enough that it is not a defense of the faith, which don't need it, but a defense of myself who does." -- Flannery O'Connor

"I doubtless hate pious language... because I believe the realities it hides." --Flannery O'Connor

"How much does the church lose of the gifts and enthusiasm of its members because it creates an atmosphere where honesty and risk are not welcomed?" --Daniel Taylor

"We should all recognize the extent to which we... want to tame God and the claims [God] makes so as to keep our lives safer, neater, and under our own control." --Daniel Taylor

"The church is continually tempted to confuse its mission to spread and embody the 'good news' with the need every organization feels to perpetuate and enhance itself." --Daniel Taylor

"Ministration of the word is not administration, however smoothly it may go." -- Karl Barth

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